Golf Tips from the pros:What Makes a Good Putt?

By Chuck Wike ,
The Classic Swing Golf School
at Deer Track Golf Resort, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

What must one do to produce a successful putt?

Simply stated, you must roll the ball on the correct path at the correct speed. Of these two variables, path and speed, speed is the most important because it determines path. A putt hit too slow will break off line early and one hit too hard will not break as much.

So to determine your line you must first determine the speed of the putt at hand. We recommend the use of the 3 foot halo to help our students learn to control the speed of their putts through visualization and imagery. We feel if a player can consisitently hit putts and chips into the 3 foot circle they can improve their scores quickly.

Distance control is by far the most important variable to master on the greens. If you are going to take 30 seconds eyeing a putt, don't be overwhelmed with the line. Focus on speed and distance.

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