Shooting is an essential part of basketball and it is often one of the most neglected parts. If a person is fast they may reduce their shooting practice because they know they have the ability to drive to the whole almost anytime they want to. If a person is a good ball handler they may do the same. Even with those skills neglecting shooting practice is not a smart thing to do.
You should want to be a triple threat to drive, pass, and shoot so that you can confuse your defender. It you do not have the ability to shoot the ball well people will lay off of you giving them an advantage.If you are a bad shooter there are many things that you can do to improve. One of the first things to do is evaluate your shooting form. This can easily be done by having someone video tape you shooting so that you can watch it to see what you are doing incorrectly.
You can also have a coach watch you shoot and help you improve. Once you figure out what is being done incorrectly then you have to figure out the correct way to shoot. That can be done by watching some of the quality shooting videos available.
.Andre Bias is a webmaster and is the owner of several websites including,, http://www., and http://www.kidfriendlyentertainment.
com. .Article Source:
.By: Andre Bias